Thursday, April 7, 2011

Listening to the Party leader and Christ

In World of Warcraft you can do some really fun instance runs. What are instance runs you might be asking? well let me share with you a definition that I found on WoW Wiki:
"Dungeons, keeps, and other confined areas can have sub-areas called instances (aka instance dungeons). These instances are special areas in the World of Warcraft where your group or raid party is able to interact with a dungeon privately; that is, without interference from other parties or raids. It is also a respite from the global PvP environment on a PvP server. The term instance has been often conflated and interchanged with the term dungeon.
Instance dungeons tend to feature the most difficult and rewarding content, both in terms of enemies and items, but also in terms of level design. Most mobs inside the instance are elite, with the exception of some mobs, and perform well above their level. Instances feature multiple bosses, all with special abilities and immunities. Getting through an instance normally requires a well-trained and well-balanced group of players who are of an appropriate level for the challenge.
Lower level instances can be soloed by a higher level character. While an interesting challenge, the drops will not be particularly useful anymore. (although you could just sell the items you get, or trade the non-soulbound ones to players who need them and have gold to pay for it)"
So basically as it explains you can get neat gears, and experience for your players. Now to every good instance run there is what we call a Party Leader...
 Now this party leader is usually someone who has been through the dungeon quite a bit of times, as well as an overall experienced player, in general what the leader says goes. The party leader is someone we already know, either a well known player in WoW or someone that is our friend. Having a experienced person to lead and guide us through the challenging dungeon can be a great help. If we follow the party leaders instructions we know that we will come out of the dungeon alive and well. (Like this group here did in this Raid..)

Just as we listen to the party leader, we need to listen to Christ, his teachings, and commandments. If we truly want to come out on top and be happy in this life then it is by living the principles and teachings that Christ gave us. I know that Christ is not only the best party leader, But he is also the best person to take with you when going into a raid. (see Raiding Part One)

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