Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Another Roflstomp: One Shotting Rogue

Any gamer reading this has been one shotted before... simply, being one shotted means that you just died in one one hit, or extremely quickly. Any Halo player has probably experienced the one shotting capabilities of a sniper head shot, spartan laser, or well-placed rocket. Similarly, if you've ever player Team Fortress 2, you may have been one shotted by a spy's backstab, soldiers critrocket, or walking into an intelligence room packed with level three sentries!

WoW players also experience the thrill of being one shotted. One day (back in my noobier days) I was peacefully strolling through the Barrens... then BAM!!! Out of nowhere I was ganked, roflstomped and successively tea bagged by Alliance scum! Fast-forwarding to 70...
I've Heard Ret Is Hard To Play...
I remember Patch 3.01, the last patch of Burning Crusade before the Lich King. During this patch the outcome of BGs was determined by how many Paladins where on your faction's side. At the time I didn't know that accepting a duel with a ret paladin friend of mine would also be equivalent to volunteering to be a punching bag, but after the wings were popped and a divine storm there I was pleading for mercy.

Some time ago, I wrote a blog entitled "The Definition of a Roflstomp: 850 HKs In One Day", wherein I wrote about Elijah the prophet roflstomping 850 wicked priests. I've felt the need recently to share another scriptural roflstomp, this time from the pages of The Book of Mormon. You see within the pages of the Book of Mormon there's this section that a lot of people refer to as "the war chapters". Two opposing groups, the Nephites (good guys) and the Lamanites (bad guys) are duking it out. The Lamanites hate and want to destroy all the Nephites whereas the Nephites are just fighting to defend their lives and freedoms.

One Shotting Rogue
Within this war you of course hear about some of the commanders on either side. One commander that I especially like is a Nephite named Teancum (weird name I know). Teancum plays a big part in the war that the Nephites are fighting...

 In Alma 51: 34 Teancum slays the Lamanite King Amalikiah - "And it came to pass that Teancum stole privily into the tent of the king, and put a javelin to his heart; and he did cause the death of the king immediately that he did not awake his servants."

Then in chapter 62:36 Teancum does the same to the new king Ammoron.

36. And it came to pass that Teancum in his anger did go forth into the camp of the Lamanites, and did let himself down over the walls of the city. And he went forth with a cord, from place to place, insomuch that he did find the king; and he did acast a javelin at him, which did pierce him near the heart... and slew him.
Teancum and His Epic Javelin
Because Teancum assassinates two of the Lamanite kings single-handedly the long war comes to an end. If Teancum were to play a class in WoW he would definitely be a  rogue, and with his one shotting skills he definitely is another example of a scriptural roflstomp!

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