Paladin WoW Armor |
Think of yourself for a moment as one of the greatest adventurers in the Land of Azeroth, or Kalimdor. Your questing and fighting off waves of enemies that want you dead. So what would you take into battle? I think a lot of us here would take into battle a couple of items. One of those items would be your trusty Armor, the second I think is a no brainer, and that is your handy dandy weapons. With these two items combating the waves of enemies would pretty easy right? In World of Warcraft you have many Armor pieces that go onto your character to make him/her stronger, so that way you do not get owned by your enemies. In WoW your armor includes a few of the following. Head,Chest,Leg,Boots,Hands,Wrist,Belt, and shield. Your weapons on the other hand are too much to list, just know that there are quite a bit of weapons to wield that will help you own some enemies faces. So when you have these weapons and armor on you, you become a beast.
You are probably wondering ok so I know a little bit more about World of Warcraft, and how important the armor is...