Saturday, May 28, 2011

Taking a break from WoW=Keeping Sabbath Day Holy

So there was a time in my life when I used to play World of Warcraft a lot.(and when I say a lot I mean a lot.) So one day as I was playing WoW I chose to stop playing and go do something different. I told my friend Jake what I was going to do and he agreed that it was time to take a break from WoW for a while. So Jake and I decided to stop playing WoW for about two years. During that time I did quite a few things. I did some traveling,  played some other games, as well as going out and hanging with friends. I have often times looked back and said to myself, the break was well needed. Now I wont lie to ya, Jake and I did go back to World Of Warcraft after the two year break, but let me tell you something that I was able to learn. Not only was a break needed, but I was able to learn that taking a break from things can be well needed...
 In today's world we are surrounded by many things that take priority before God. Now I have learned that if we truly stop and take a break and see what it is in life that truly matters we would all learn a few things. "What are those things?" You might be asking, well let me tell you. 1) God is real and that we need him in our lives if we want to be happy. 2) Family is real important to have while we are here on earth as well as in the next life to come.(Sometimes we feel that family can be a bother to us, but if you live the restored gospel you will find that they are an asset to us.) 3)God loves you and wants you to return to live with him.

The Savior wants us to take a break from doing the things that we want to do and he wants us to follow him. He has said many times in the Holy Bible to "pick up our cross and follow him." Christ goes onto say that if we try to save our lives (Or another way to look at it is if we choose to follow our own hearts and go our own way instead of following him.) then we would lose it, but on the other hand the Savior says "whosoever shall lose his life for my namesake the same will find it." (Meaning that if we pick up the cross and follow the Savior Jesus Christ and turn down the things we want to do, then we will find eternal life with Him.) Now that does not mean to stop working and providing for your families, or to stop having some wholesome fun with our families, what the Savior is saying to us is that we need to be willing to turn down four wheeling on Sunday, or playing World of Warcraft or sports on Sundays and even working on Sundays. The Savior wants us to take a break from these things on His holy day and to follow him! In the Doctrine and Covenants Section 59:9-10 we hear what the Lord has to say about the sabbath day.   9And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself aunspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of bprayer and offer up thy csacraments upon my dholy day;
 10For verily this is a aday appointed unto you to rest from your labors, and to pay thy devotions unto the Most High; 
My friends we have talked about taking a break from World of Warcraft on Sunday as well as many other things. I want you all to know that we need to keep Sunday the Lords day and that means we need to go to church and partake of the Sacrament on Sunday. I can promise you this blessing, if you go to church on Sunday and you take the time to keep the sabbath day holy you will find that the Lord will bless you more for going to church. As you come to church you will also come to know that God is your loving Heavenly Father and that we need him in our lives if we want to be happy, you will also know that your family is important and you will come to love and appreciate them even more then you ever did and you will know that God wants you to return to live with him. Hope you take the time to think this over.  See Cabrals post on how to overcome addictions. 

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